Aftertaste shawn mendes chords

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  1. Chord shawn mendes show you
  2. Strings shawn mendes chords.

    The weight shawn mendes chords

  3. The weight shawn mendes chords
  4. Chord shawn mendes - treat you better
  5. Strings shawn mendes chords
  6. Chord shawn mendes - imagination
  7. Stitches chords
  8. Shawn Mendes - Show you

    Capo 2/Tuning:F# BEAC#f# Verse 1:

    C You can’t walk the streetsE at night You're way too short to get on thisAm ride No I'm nFot, no I'm not, they're tryna tell me that I C I gotta be home when the street lights glEow You can’t watch yoAmur TV show I will wFatch what I wanna watch NGo, I won’t listen toF you, do what I wanna do


    And CI will walk this road ahEead One hundred miles on my hAmands Do I need to shFow you?

    Guess I gotta show you And iCf you don't believe me nEow I'll flip the whole world upside dAmown Do I need to shFow you? Guess I gotta show you


    C Watch me swim across this lEake Fly through the sky in my Superman cAmape Watch me walk across this wFire Tip toe through the coals of a blazing fCire Watch me fly this kite in the rEain I’ll jump rope with my ball Amand chain Come by and knock on my house of caFrds If it falls I will build it from the stGart I won’t listen toF you, do what I wanna do


    And CI will walk this road ahEead One hu