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    norm macdonald daily show crocodile hunter
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    norm macdonald crocodile hunter
    norm crocodile hunter daily show
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    The Daily Show, 9.14.06


    Anybody see this? Norm McDonald blew the lid off of the Crocodile Hunter joke box. He killed Stewart. I buckled up and died laughing. Sample comment – “Fourty-Four is a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter.”

    His bit about the crocodiles being embarassed because a “fruity fish” got him was immortal comedy gold.


    “Hey, who got him?

    Was it Frank?”
    “Dude, you don’t even want to know.”


    I loved it!

    How did norm macdonald die

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  • I couldn’t stop laughing.

    But all things being equal, I think MacDonald walked a fine line - I didn’t hear anything that was specifically disrespectful of Irwin, per se - more just playing with the name “Crocodile Hunter”

    I thought the Brit fellow - John Oliver?

    - his bit was pretty damn funny, too. Better than the average Hodgman or Dmitri what’s-his-name piece…


    I was just going to post on this, it was hilarious. Here’s a clip:


    Yep, that was funny as all get-out.

    It made me want to buy Norm’s CD when I see it in the stores.


    I liked how Jon Stewart was embaras