Quintron puppet show
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Quintron tour...
Quintron and miss pussycat
Quintron & Miss Pussycat
Quintron and Miss Pussycat created a live puppet show about extreme weather events, which utilized a “Wildlife Organ” built and installed by Quintron at A Studio in the Woods.
The Wildlife Organ is envisioned as a musical instrument that uses specially-housed microphones to intimately capture and process the broad spectrum of natural sounds on site, routing each sound back to a playable, musical keyboard.
Quintron has been inventing electronic gadgets and creating genre-defying noise, soundscape, and house rocking dance music in New Orleans for over 20 years, much of it in collaboration with artist / puppeteer Panacea Theriac aka “Miss Pussycat”.
In 1999, Quintron helped to foster a DIY analog synth revival with a patented instrument called the DRUMBUDDY, a light activated analog drum machine which creates murky, low-fidelity, rhythmic patterns. These experiments eventually led to Quintron’s focus on a weather-controlled drone synthesizer called Weather Warlock and a website devoted to streaming its music called Weather For The Blind.
Miss Pussycat