Poker rules

    show hand poker
    show hand poker rules
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  • Show hand poker
  • What is showdown in poker...

    Do you have to show your cards in poker if you lose

  • Show hand card game
  • What is showdown in poker
  • Poker showdown rules
  • Poker hands
  • Showdown (poker)

    Situation near the end of a poker round

    In poker, the showdown is the situation when, if more than one player remains after the final betting round, the remaining players expose and compare their hands to determine the winner or winners.

    To win any part of a pot at showdown, a player must show all of their cards faceup on the table, whether those cards were used in the final hand played or not. Cards speak for themselves: the actual value of a player's hand prevails in the event a player mis-states the value of their hand.

    Because exposing a losing hand gives information to an opponent, players may be reluctant to expose their hands until after their opponents have done so and will muck their losing hands without exposing them. Robert's Rules of Poker state that the last player to take aggressive action by a bet or raise is the first to show the hand—unless everyone checks (or is all-in) on the last round of betting, then the first player to the left of the dealer button is the first to show the hand.[1]

    If there is a side pot, players involve

      show your hand poker
      show hand vs poker