Synonyms for shows in an essay

    to show synonym
    to show synonym essay
    to show synonyms in english
    to see synonym
  • To show synonym
  • Exhibiting synonym.


    as in to display

    to present so as to invite notice or attention fishing for compliments, the neighbors showed their new SUV to everyone on the block


    as in to reveal

    to make known (something abstract) through outward signs the actor's expressive face shows his every thought and emotion clearly


    as in to prove

    to gain full recognition or acceptance of that shows we're right


    as in to guide

    to give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followed showed me how to play the guitar


    as in to steer

    to point out the way for (someone) especially from a position in front showed them the way to get home


    as in to appear

    to come into view another car showed just as we were thinking we'd have the whole place to ourselves


    as in display

    an outward and often exaggerated indication of something abstract (as a feeling) for effect the children made a show of disgust when confronted with asparagus


    as in act

    a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to decei

      to present synonym
      to prove synonym